Tag Archives: chef

How to Boil an Egg


Many people can’t boil an egg.

It’s a shame, because eggs are rather cheap, nutritious, tasty, and can be added to a number of dishes.

I’m here to help with easy instructions for the perfect hard-boiled egg.

  1. Take out a saucepan.
  2. Put the eggs in the saucepan in a single layer. Don’t stack the eggs.
  3. Cover the eggs in at least 2 inches of cold water.
  4. Turn the burner to high and bring the water to a boil.
  5. Once the water is boiling, remove the pan from the burner.
  6. Cover the pan.
  7. Let the eggs sit for 12 minutes.
  8. While the eggs sit, fill up a bowl with cold water.
  9. Once the 12 minutes have passed, move each egg into the bowl of cold water. Note: If you are making a large batch of eggs, you may want to cut one of them open to make sure they are done. If they need a few minutes more, keep them covered until you feel they are ready. Then, put them in the cold water.
  10. Once the eggs have cooled, remove them from the water and store in a covered container. Or eat all of them at once like a hungry mongoose.

Congratulations. You have mastered a basic culinary skill most people totally screw up.